Everyone was excited including me when the LPGA announced it's 2010 schedule. It's taken time to sink in but it's really actually a very poor schedule when you compare it to the PGA Tour. Take a look!The LPGA is playing less than half as many events as the PGA Tour. Consider this, there is approximatley 30 million in total prize money on the LPGA Tour!!! The PGA Tour play for 289 million in total prize money. So the PGA had twice the number of events and 9.75 times the prize money!!!!! Now tell me what the bad economy does to a high quality product!!!!!
January LPGA 0 events PGA TOUR 4 events
February LPGA 2 events PGA Tour 5 events
March 1 event 5 events
April 3 events 5 events
May 1 event 4 events
June 3 events 4 events
July 4 events 6 events
August 2 events 5 events
September 2 events 4 events
October 2 events 3 events
November 3 events 2 events
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
More notes on Paula Creamer
I was looking at Paula Creamers stats from last season and one thing I found to be quite remarkable is that she is 3rd in driving accuracy. I have no idea how she does it it with that golf swing of hers. The way she moves her upper body and head around. She has an abbreviated backswing and a quick transition which really cut down on her power through the zone but I have no idea how she is able to control everything that is going on there. The only possible excuse for her accuracy is hours and hours of hard work. We have many American players that have way more talent than Paula Creamer but don't have her work ethic.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Paula Creamers best years are behind her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paula Creamer is beloved by, well almost everyone and I just never understood why. I can see young girls liking the whole pink panther, pink ball thing but I just never understood the appeal that she generates as a media darling. If you have seen one Paula Creamer pre-tournament interview you have seen them all. "Broken Record" is a phrase that comes to mind. She can play! She will be in the top tier of golfers on the tour for the simple reason that she works very hard and gets the most out of a small amount of god given talent. She was first in GIR this past season and has had a very good scoring average of around 70.50 for years. She is 22nd in ppr. She needs more length off the tee which will translate into shorter approach shots and better birdie chances. If you look at her history, there are a couple items that stand out. The first being, a so so putter, the second, slow starter and the third an incredible amount of suspect injuries and illnesses. If Paula is not playing well in a tournament, I can tell you with out fail she will show up with something on her wrist or claim illness prior to the next round. It happens every time she is playing poorly.
I have never seen anyone who looked (facial expressions) like they were in such pain while playing golf. I know she is just focusing etc., but wow does she look almost constipated. I just can't see her ever being the number one player in the world or even player of the year but I do think she gets the most out of what she has and It would be nice to see her have a injury and sickness free season in 2010.
I have never seen anyone who looked (facial expressions) like they were in such pain while playing golf. I know she is just focusing etc., but wow does she look almost constipated. I just can't see her ever being the number one player in the world or even player of the year but I do think she gets the most out of what she has and It would be nice to see her have a injury and sickness free season in 2010.
Monday, December 28, 2009
The LPGA just needs to open up!!!!!!!
IF the LPGA would simply open it's self up to the public and include them it would never have to worry about the economy or it's numbers. This cult like aura that the LPGA emits is ugly and I don't think they realize it. The "you know nothing about the LPGA" line is typical of it's administration and players. Well we don't because you won't let us. We want to be included. You want our money but not our input and look where that philosophy has got you. It's sink or swim time for you and and all you need to do is to include your fans in your decisions. It's a common marketing practice and it's called "give the fans what they want". It's not rocket science but rather elementary supply and demand. The fans want to have input and be included but when they try you to do anything more than watch golf you treat them like idiots, when all you have to do is listen!!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
I watch the Golf Channel a lot, well I watch the informative parts of the Golf Channel a lot. Meaning the round tables and Golf Central and of course the tournament coverage. Aside from a select few the the people that the Golf Channel puts in front of the camera are less polished than say ESPN or the networks and I guess that's to be expected. One thing for sure though, they have a passion for their sport. With the exception of a few of the females they allow on who you can tell know little about golf, they almost to a man exude a passion for the game. I'm willing to overlook polished reporting for good passion and a great knowledge of the sport. So to the Golf Channel I say "great job and keep getting better"!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Top smile on the LPGA Tour!!!!!
You have to admit that there are some incredible smiles on the LPGA Tour these days. I have to say that of all of them though, that smile that Nicole Castrale
puts out is one for the ages. Jiya Shin's smile is cute and Ay Miyazato has a smile that could melt titanium but Nicole Castrale gets my vote for the very best smile on the LPGA Tour!!!!! I just hope she find her game after losing it completely in the last half of 09. It would be nice to see that smile a whole bunch more!
puts out is one for the ages. Jiya Shin's smile is cute and Ay Miyazato has a smile that could melt titanium but Nicole Castrale gets my vote for the very best smile on the LPGA Tour!!!!! I just hope she find her game after losing it completely in the last half of 09. It would be nice to see that smile a whole bunch more!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Please don't put the future of the LPGA in the hands of Michelle Wie
As much as I like to watch Michelle Wie do well and play well and as much as I appreciate her maturing into a fine young lady and very good player,I would hate to think that the LPGA is going to put all their eggs in the Wie basket. She is going to be very good maybe even great and I may be wrong about all of this but there is something that is lacking there. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is but something is amiss. I would hate to see the LPGA use Michelle Wie as the focal point and it's major marketing tool and then be hit with a Tiger Woods type situation. Now, I'm not saying Wie is going to do anything Tiger like off the course but It would not surprise me if there were some mental issues or burn out related things that could come about by huge demand. I think if you monitor her schedule and keep her in the 15 to 17 tournament area that your chances of something bad happening are greatly diminished. Allowing her to play every event and marketing her to death because she is a huge draw for the smaller events is a mistake and could prove costly. You have lot's of stars on this tour! Use them wisely and keep them fresh and you will reap the benefits long term!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas and may God bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!
May each of you and your loved ones have the very best Christmas ever!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tigers problems a good lesson!!!!!!!!!!
I was talking to my brother in law on the phone this evening and the subject of Tiger came up. Now my brother in law is a golf nut and he has a 9 year old son who loves golf as well. He said he had discussed Tigers problems with his son and he told his son that "Tiger was bad to his wife". What a great lesson! He taught his son in one sentence that no matter how good you are or how much money you have, it means nothing if you treat your wife poorly.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Steroids would explain a lot of Tigers problems.
Weather Tiger Woods has been taking HGH or any other steroids is pure speculation at this point.It would however, certainly explain many of his problems. One being the temper we have seen on the golf course becoming more and more pronounced. Secondly, one can't deny he went from skinny weakling to big ripped guy al la Barry Bonds! Lastly, typically HGH is taken with testosterone or stacked and this drastically increase not only aggression but also sex drive and we obviously have proof of that. Now I'm not saying Tiger is guilty but it would not surprise me in the least given the obvious signs and the recent information that he was frequenting the same Dr. as many NFL players and Dara Torres who coincidentally practices outside the US. If I was a judge and based on a preponderance of the evidence I would have to say Mr. Woods is a cheater!!!!!!
The way we will know for sure, is when and if Tiger returns to golf and he his smaller or less muscular it will be a tell tale sign and if this does happen and according to the PGA he has been tested frequently then we will also know that the PGA was well aware of it. If he in fact was not tested, would indicate even more strongly that the PGA Tour was aware and didn't dare or want to know!
The way we will know for sure, is when and if Tiger returns to golf and he his smaller or less muscular it will be a tell tale sign and if this does happen and according to the PGA he has been tested frequently then we will also know that the PGA was well aware of it. If he in fact was not tested, would indicate even more strongly that the PGA Tour was aware and didn't dare or want to know!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Further Thoughts on Tiger!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it not ironic how one individual could be so mentally focused and strong in one area and so vulnerable and weak in another? I find it fascinating that Tiger could almost will himself to win regularly but was not mentally capable to commit to his family and his wife. The sad thing is it's not rare for the elite athletes as we have seen from A-Rod, Clemens, Jordan, and Magic. I doubt we will ever be able to narrow it down to money or power or influence or a combination of all of these but as much as I want to say it's okay Tiger you messed up now make it right, apologize and move on, I just can't do it!!!!!! I can not for the life of me fathom how this guy could be such a terrible individual and I don't just mean unfaithful! We are finding out now that he's a total @#$hole even to his peers and contemporaries! So evidently it was a poorly kept secret that he was not liked among the insiders and they are enjoying watching him try to lie down in the very grave he spent so much time digging for himself.
I love to watch Tiger play golf and make those incredible runs on Sunday afternoons and then call my Father and discuss what happened! I'm not sure I can talk about Tigers golf game with the same exuberance as I did before (nothing to do with the rumors oh HGH or other PED's)because he's not really a man any longer but just a professional golfer! I don't relate to him on any personal level! A golfer with no credibility or ethics or for that matter morals is really not someone I care to nor am I able to relate to. So when I have Kids, and tell them stories about golf my stories about Tiger will be much like the stories I was told about Babe Ruth and Micky Mantle both were great players but failed to be good men and really contributed little to society except great statistics.
I love to watch Tiger play golf and make those incredible runs on Sunday afternoons and then call my Father and discuss what happened! I'm not sure I can talk about Tigers golf game with the same exuberance as I did before (nothing to do with the rumors oh HGH or other PED's)because he's not really a man any longer but just a professional golfer! I don't relate to him on any personal level! A golfer with no credibility or ethics or for that matter morals is really not someone I care to nor am I able to relate to. So when I have Kids, and tell them stories about golf my stories about Tiger will be much like the stories I was told about Babe Ruth and Micky Mantle both were great players but failed to be good men and really contributed little to society except great statistics.
Friday, December 18, 2009
I have to congratulate the Golf Channel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the beginning of the Tiger Woods scandal I ripped all the main stream and golf media for being cowards and not covering it or at least not covering it in depth. The golf channel came around and is now doing a great job. I respect the way they are handling it and I even have gone there to read the different views of their writers. So Kudos to the Golf Channel!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I am hearing good things about they LPGA Commish!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been hearing very good things about the new LPGA commissioner, and hearing them from people who I count on to give accurate representations. This is very very good news. I'm sure that my teeny tiny little blog is making little difference if any but it sure seems like the things I had hoped and pushed for regarding the LPGA are moving in the right direction. I'm sure having two people with great work ethic and do or die attitudes is a great help and I am hopeful that the LPGA may keep Ms. Evans in some form so Mr. Whan can bounce ideas off of her. For right now though I am very happy although I would love to see these loose ends on the schedule tied up and I'm looking forward to the LPGA putting out a great product with amazing golf in 2010!!!!!!!!!
Political correctness is ripping society apart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Political correctness has become a synonym for dishonesty and I can't imagine that was the way it was intended. Today however, it's just lying and I have an aversion to it. When did our world become so fragile that you can't tell the truth albeit with tact of course? You can't even say "housewife" for instance because you might hurt someones feelings. It's just gotten way out of hand and it's gotten in the way of the truth. Everyone of us has sat through golf interviews when the players all say the same thing rather than what is really on their minds and it gets to be one big long cliche. It's just ridiculous and I for one will be setting aside political correctness and going with the whole truth, again with the optimal level of tact. I just can't see how we can choose to live in a world where the truth is never spoken and peoples feelings are more important than being honest! So my new years resolution is to do away with political correctness in my own life and allow those around me to not have to read into or between any of the things I have to say!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Are people really dumb enough to justify Tigers acts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is amazing to me that after all the facts and proof of what Tiger Woods is, has become and has done, that there are people out there who are trying to justify his acts. I just read a Tweet that said "I think his spirit was rebelling" What is that? Come on people! A) He lied to his wife his kids and for that matter the world. B) He cheated on his wife and his kids! not once, not twice, but from day one of his marriage. C) He has yet to apologize! instead he had flunky who handles him write a statement on a website he has nothing to do with asking for privacy. D) The sleazeballs he cheated with are nasty and need disinfected! He had other people helping him cheat indicating it was not a spur of the moment thing but premeditated.
People, don't be idiots and tell me I can't relate to this because I'm not married! I know right from wrong. I know a cry for help when I see one and I know how children look up to their fathers. So don't embarrass yourselves by trying to justify any part of Tigers actions because if you do you are morally corrupt and your character is severely deficient! Don't try to tell me I'm being sanctimonious either. I have made many many mistakes but never lied about them, never tried to hide them, never enlisted people to help me make them and never ever would make them intentionally or to hurt someone I loved (wife and more importantly children). So don't even try ! Tiger hurt Golf!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Golf!!!!!!!!!
People, don't be idiots and tell me I can't relate to this because I'm not married! I know right from wrong. I know a cry for help when I see one and I know how children look up to their fathers. So don't embarrass yourselves by trying to justify any part of Tigers actions because if you do you are morally corrupt and your character is severely deficient! Don't try to tell me I'm being sanctimonious either. I have made many many mistakes but never lied about them, never tried to hide them, never enlisted people to help me make them and never ever would make them intentionally or to hurt someone I loved (wife and more importantly children). So don't even try ! Tiger hurt Golf!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Golf!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Time to move on to the 2010 Golf season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiger sent the 2009 golf season out with a bang and now it's old news and we can look forward to the 2010 LPGA season. I'm looking for 2010 to be another great year for the Asians and Europeans! It seem that with these two factions combined they seem to have the better golfers. I'm not saying they have better talent, I'm saying that their girls are and have been playing better golf.
I hope Michele Wie will have a good year and I am expecting Christy Kerr to contend on a regular basis. I'm not expecting much from Creamer or Gulbis but will never count out Pressel on the right course and Christina Kim can be a factor if and when she has a mind to be. It will be interesting to watch how Amanda Blumenhurst adapts she is one girl along with Suzann Petterson who can give the Asian contingent of Tseng, Shin and Miyazato a run and og course their is always Lorena.
I hope Michele Wie will have a good year and I am expecting Christy Kerr to contend on a regular basis. I'm not expecting much from Creamer or Gulbis but will never count out Pressel on the right course and Christina Kim can be a factor if and when she has a mind to be. It will be interesting to watch how Amanda Blumenhurst adapts she is one girl along with Suzann Petterson who can give the Asian contingent of Tseng, Shin and Miyazato a run and og course their is always Lorena.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Maybe my views on Tiger are harsh but they're honest.!!!!!!!!
I understand that cheating is commonplace and divorces are the norm these days but I for one just don't have a stomach for any man who cheats on his wife and kids. Trust me, no one is more aware of the fact that I have never been married (as so many of you insist on pointing out) than me. I just feel that if you are not prepared to make a commitment of utter devotion to your wife and eventual family then why get married?
I also understand that my life in no way, shape or form can be compared to Tigers but honesty and faithfulness and loyalty are the same no matter the situation. I just can not for the life of me stomach a man who cheats on his wife and kids. It's takes a selfish and self absorbed man to put his pleasure ahead of the trust and respect his family has invested in him! I believe that once a man cheats he will always cheat! I think after you surpass that first hurdle that from then on it must be much easier.
Here is my idea, it may seem harsh or far fetched but it may be an answer. multimillion dollar athletes should not marry until they are between 35 and 40. It seems to work well for Derrik Jeter and others and certainly would save a tremendous amount of Heart ache. I mean look Kobe, Shaq, MJ, Rodman, Armstrong, Nowitki, and Magic! It's pandemic and ugly!
I also understand that my life in no way, shape or form can be compared to Tigers but honesty and faithfulness and loyalty are the same no matter the situation. I just can not for the life of me stomach a man who cheats on his wife and kids. It's takes a selfish and self absorbed man to put his pleasure ahead of the trust and respect his family has invested in him! I believe that once a man cheats he will always cheat! I think after you surpass that first hurdle that from then on it must be much easier.
Here is my idea, it may seem harsh or far fetched but it may be an answer. multimillion dollar athletes should not marry until they are between 35 and 40. It seems to work well for Derrik Jeter and others and certainly would save a tremendous amount of Heart ache. I mean look Kobe, Shaq, MJ, Rodman, Armstrong, Nowitki, and Magic! It's pandemic and ugly!
Friday, December 11, 2009
A couple thoughts on the new revelations in the Tiger case!!!!!!
Tiger has revealed that he will be taking some time off from "professional Golf" to get his act together. Perfectly understandable and really the only choice I can see.
If the revelations were true that Tiger was taking Vicodin then there are some questions that need to be looked into. It's been a good year since Tigers surgery. The need for a pain killer in the Vicodin class has long sense expired. Secondly, Vicodin would be on the banned substance list for PGA Tour Golfers. So if it is determined that Tiger has been taking Vicodin for some time then Doug Barron should be all over this.
Mike and Mike in the morning were discussing weather Tim Finchem should suspend Tiger for his so called "transgressions" for conduct detrimental to the Tour. I guess he won't need to but I have to believe that Finchem strongly urged Tiger to take sometime off! It would certainly keep him from being the bad guy! The rumors about a love child and naked pics seem to be getting more and more press and Tigers counsel seems to be trying to head off all potential threats before they get much print.
Tiger is currently staying at his other Isleworth home just around the corner from his offical residence. While Elin and family and the children are in their normal place. It appears to me that Elin has some serious backbone and I just hope she maintains it!
If the revelations were true that Tiger was taking Vicodin then there are some questions that need to be looked into. It's been a good year since Tigers surgery. The need for a pain killer in the Vicodin class has long sense expired. Secondly, Vicodin would be on the banned substance list for PGA Tour Golfers. So if it is determined that Tiger has been taking Vicodin for some time then Doug Barron should be all over this.
Mike and Mike in the morning were discussing weather Tim Finchem should suspend Tiger for his so called "transgressions" for conduct detrimental to the Tour. I guess he won't need to but I have to believe that Finchem strongly urged Tiger to take sometime off! It would certainly keep him from being the bad guy! The rumors about a love child and naked pics seem to be getting more and more press and Tigers counsel seems to be trying to head off all potential threats before they get much print.
Tiger is currently staying at his other Isleworth home just around the corner from his offical residence. While Elin and family and the children are in their normal place. It appears to me that Elin has some serious backbone and I just hope she maintains it!
The truth about the real Tiger hurts us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The recent truths about Tiger Woods given by his compatriots and fellow golfers is eye opening and alarming! Evidently, the players were all aware Tiger was a fake, lying, scumbag and if the players knew it then Nike, ATT, Gillett and the rest knew it! So what does that say about the sponsors today. It tells me, that sales and revenue outweigh everything else! They knew Tiger was a dirtball and still marketed the heck out of him and evidently even facilitated his activities to increase sales until he got caught. It' a sick perverse dishonest world we live in people and reading between the lines is the only way to survive!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Ben Crane Trashes Tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"This is no surprise to anyone who knows Tiger," said Crane, pictured above. "He's a phony and a fake and he can't retain that squeaky-clean endorsement deal any longer."
Crane also hinted that Elin Woods could have known all about Woods' alleged extramarital activities. "She's no fool," he said, and speculated that she possibly "turned a blind eye because of the money and the kids and the lifestyle he provides."
Crane also hinted that Elin Woods could have known all about Woods' alleged extramarital activities. "She's no fool," he said, and speculated that she possibly "turned a blind eye because of the money and the kids and the lifestyle he provides."
Looking forward to 2010 to see what strides the LPGA will make!!!!!!!
It's looking like it's going to be an interesting 2010 LPGA season. You a have a great class of rookies coming in that will help enhance the quality of competition and elevate play. You have a new Commissioner who I believe, if not shackled by the IMG contract could make sweeping positive changes. You have new "status rules" that will somewhat weed out the poorer players and allow more of the better players to enter the full field events. Finally you have a great marketing man on the Board of Directors and one who will settle for whats been the status quo lately.
One concern is the amount of scheduled but not finalized events on the Tour's 2010 schedule. If one or two or all of those events fail to materialize it could turn in to a very big deal and create a negative snowball effect that could linger over a few seasons. So it's my hope they can lock those events in ASAP and solidify the schedule.
I am anticipating being in Thailand for the opening event. I have been there a few times with the World Health Organization while in med School and am looking forward to the Golf and the vacation. So 2010 will be, if nothing else a interesting year to observe the LPGA. The golf will be great and better than ever but how the Tour is handled and marketed and in essence delivered to the public will be the something to keep your eye on. Last but not least,Let's get a TV Contract. These girls can play!!!!!! Let's let everyone see it.
One concern is the amount of scheduled but not finalized events on the Tour's 2010 schedule. If one or two or all of those events fail to materialize it could turn in to a very big deal and create a negative snowball effect that could linger over a few seasons. So it's my hope they can lock those events in ASAP and solidify the schedule.
I am anticipating being in Thailand for the opening event. I have been there a few times with the World Health Organization while in med School and am looking forward to the Golf and the vacation. So 2010 will be, if nothing else a interesting year to observe the LPGA. The golf will be great and better than ever but how the Tour is handled and marketed and in essence delivered to the public will be the something to keep your eye on. Last but not least,Let's get a TV Contract. These girls can play!!!!!! Let's let everyone see it.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
One Example of LPGA Mismanagement!!!!!!!!!!!
In 2007, under Carolyn Bivens the LPGA had 80 million dollars in revenue and a operating profit of some $817,000 and Bivens was paid $522,000. So do you know what the LPGA Board did with some of that profit. They gave Bivens a $302,000 bonus!!!!!!!!!!Almost half their profit. Now someone tell me that Leslie Gries has a clue about what she is doing!!!!!! I dare you!!!!!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Nicole Hage lights it up with pressure on in final stage of Q-School!!!!!!!
Nicole Hage, Who I have been quite hard on this season, put together an amazing round of golf today under incredible pressure to keep her card! She started on the bubble right at number 20. A bad round would knock her out and a mediocre round would make her sweat!!!!!! She went low and blistered a 68 second only to Julieta Granda who shot an incredible 67. I was impressed by both these girls but Hage really earned my respect today.
And The Hit's Just keep On Coming for Tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't feel a bit bad for Tiger Woods! he deserves everything he's getting! With all the new evidence he has been living a lie for a very long time. So all you people who say he made a mistake, well he has been making the same mistake for years and years and it's been premeditated and planned over and over and over again with seven women so far! It's an ugly, disgusting, weak, man with no honor or scruples who does this to a wife. When someone who is obviously addicted to cheating they also become pathological liars! They have no choice in the matter. I am calling for Tiger to be banned by the PGA for conduct detrimental to the tour!! This is not the kind of person you want to be the face of golf!!!!!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Tiger paying millions to all his mistresses to keep quiet
I think it's hilarious that Tiger Woods is having to shell out millions of dollars to every woman he has committed adultery with! It couldn't happen to a nicer guy as far as I'm concerned. Women are crawling out of the wood (no pun intended)work to say they slept with Tiger and collect. Those are some expensive hookers. You deserve everything you get Tiger?
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tiger didn't apologize his people did it for him!!!!!!!!!
Do you people really think Tiger apologized???? He didn't apologize at all! Do you really think he's remorseful? No, He's angry he got caught! He put out a generic statement that someone else wrote and put on a web site that he has little to do with and who ever wrote the statement made a huge error by drawing attention to specific details not being true (which automatically tells you they were true)! He wouldn't have gone through all the trouble and had all the people help or enable him to have affairs if he didn't want to do it. He's a bum America! He's trailer park trash who has zero ethics or morals.
People who say Tiger is only human are making excuses!!!!!!!!
All these media types and fans who insist on making excuses for Tiger are just plain idiots. I have heard more times than I can count, people saying "well now we know he is human" !!!!!!! That is the biggest load of crap and a cowards way out. HE CHEATED ON HIS WIFE AND KIDS!! HIS REPRESENTATIVES HELPED HIM DO IT!!! If i had been Tigers friend I wouldn't be his friend now and If I though any of my friends would do such a despicably thing they wouldn't be my friends either! Humans don't cheat on their wives!!! Scumbags cheat on their wives! Weak people Cheat on their wives! Dirtballs! Cheat on their wives. Do you people not understand how much premeditation and planning and the amount of people that must have helped for him to do this. It's so digusting!!!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tiger trying to act like a victim here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiger Woods is trying to act like a victim! It's his fault! He did it! He is crying about not having privacy! He made that choice . You can't hock products for major companies, put your name on products, fly in private jets, get comp tickets and cash millions of dollars in checks for being a star! Then ask for privacy. You invited everyone to use the products you sell and what you wear and put yourself on a pedestal as a stand up guy when in fact you were a lying cheating scumbag!! You can't have it both ways!
The Chicago Sun has reported that Elin has forced Tiger and his team to redo the prenuptial agreement so that she has access to seven figures in her own account that tiger can't touch and further consideration in exchange for her not divorcing Tiger.
Jesper Parnevik says he feel sorry for Elin because he and his wife hooked her and Tiger up and he will apologize to her. and "next time she should use a 3 iron"
The Chicago Sun has reported that Elin has forced Tiger and his team to redo the prenuptial agreement so that she has access to seven figures in her own account that tiger can't touch and further consideration in exchange for her not divorcing Tiger.
Jesper Parnevik says he feel sorry for Elin because he and his wife hooked her and Tiger up and he will apologize to her. and "next time she should use a 3 iron"
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Dorothy Delassin Bogies 1-18 in first round of q-school
Dorothy Delassin who you have read about many times in this blog, shot a 90 on the first day of Q-school. She bogeyed every single hole. This is the same girl that played in 16 tour events and had a 77.47 scoring average. Now tell me how this girl can take a qualifying spot away from a legitimate candidate for the tour?
Tigers appology too generic for the masses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiger Woods posted a statement on his web site today www.tigerwoods.com that was generic and addressed nothing except for denying that his wife was upset and smashed the windows out of his car and scratched his face. I explained how he expected privacy from people and people were exaggerating his acts.
Well Tiger, Do you know how to keep people from talking about you, from telling stories exaggerated or not? I'll tell you. You be the person your supposed to be. Then people can't talk about you!!!!!!
When you set your goals to be the best golfer ever didn't it occur to you that if you step out of line people would call you on it? Don't you think when you cheat on a pregnant wife that people are going to find out. Don't you think when you make statements calling the people who know the truth idiots that that is only going to fuel the fire? Don't condemn the very people who have supported you by lying to them yet again. It's the age of the internet, cellphones and digital cameras!!!!You can hide the truth Tiger! Where ever you go and what ever you do you will be caught and lying about it is only going to make it worse.
If any of the TMZ or Enquirer reports would have been false or off base Tiger certainly would have taken or will take legal action. I doubt very much if this will happen because it looks like they hit the nail on the head squarely and Tiger has no options. I just hope his wife and kids can get out there and live a normal life after what he has done to them. They didn't deserve this nor did they ask for it. It's a very sad situation for all of them!
Well Tiger, Do you know how to keep people from talking about you, from telling stories exaggerated or not? I'll tell you. You be the person your supposed to be. Then people can't talk about you!!!!!!
When you set your goals to be the best golfer ever didn't it occur to you that if you step out of line people would call you on it? Don't you think when you cheat on a pregnant wife that people are going to find out. Don't you think when you make statements calling the people who know the truth idiots that that is only going to fuel the fire? Don't condemn the very people who have supported you by lying to them yet again. It's the age of the internet, cellphones and digital cameras!!!!You can hide the truth Tiger! Where ever you go and what ever you do you will be caught and lying about it is only going to make it worse.
If any of the TMZ or Enquirer reports would have been false or off base Tiger certainly would have taken or will take legal action. I doubt very much if this will happen because it looks like they hit the nail on the head squarely and Tiger has no options. I just hope his wife and kids can get out there and live a normal life after what he has done to them. They didn't deserve this nor did they ask for it. It's a very sad situation for all of them!
Get help for your problems and then maybe we will forgive you
Anyone who was dumb enough to get anything out of Tigers most recent statement except and attempt to quiet the masses needs help as much as Tiger does. He tried to ask for forgiveness yet admitted to nothing. He obviously needs help weather it be for a sex addiction, pathological lying or marriage counseling. He need professional help!
Tiger what do people tell their kids?
What do your sponsors tell their customers?
What does the PGA tell it's fans?
What does your wife tell your kids?
What do your inlaws tell their friends?
Should we all call you cheating, lying, sex addicted , homewrecking,scumbag or do you think your better than the rest of the lowlifes that ruin families!!!!!!!!!!
Tiger what do people tell their kids?
What do your sponsors tell their customers?
What does the PGA tell it's fans?
What does your wife tell your kids?
What do your inlaws tell their friends?
Should we all call you cheating, lying, sex addicted , homewrecking,scumbag or do you think your better than the rest of the lowlifes that ruin families!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
It's the eve of LPGA Q-School and many have much to lose!!!!!!!!
The annual LPGA qualifying school starts tomorrow and it's not for the feint of hart. 106 players will play 90 holes in five days and the top twenty will get category 11 status which gets them into pretty much any full field event. Now it's a great opportunity for the 57 players from the DFT (Duramed Futures Tour) and a very pressure packed situation for those returning to q-school like Jeehae Lee, Erica Blasberg and Nicole Hage all of whom really just took up space and tournament spots that other better players could have used this past season.
Amanda Blumenhurst seems to be the favorite going in having been the medalist in the first stage and also Tiffany Joh who was the top finisher in the DFT qualifying school. Dave Andrews a fellow Harvard grad will be the caddy for Malinda Johnson for the first few days and I would like to wish them both the very best of luck.
I think you will see the likes of Erica Blasberg and Dorothy Delassin, Nicole Hage, and especially Jeehae Lee lose their playing privileges having not done their work and taken for granted the opportunity they were given. It' a shame when this happens but some players are capable of adjusting to tour life and are driven and other content just to be there and that's the difference between the good player and this group of girls.
Amanda Blumenhurst seems to be the favorite going in having been the medalist in the first stage and also Tiffany Joh who was the top finisher in the DFT qualifying school. Dave Andrews a fellow Harvard grad will be the caddy for Malinda Johnson for the first few days and I would like to wish them both the very best of luck.
I think you will see the likes of Erica Blasberg and Dorothy Delassin, Nicole Hage, and especially Jeehae Lee lose their playing privileges having not done their work and taken for granted the opportunity they were given. It' a shame when this happens but some players are capable of adjusting to tour life and are driven and other content just to be there and that's the difference between the good player and this group of girls.
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