Saturday, November 28, 2009

From Worlds best Golfer To Worlds Biggest Scumbag!!!!!!!!!!!

It's always hard when someone you respected and admired turns out to be human or less than! Over the past 72 hours I have been so happy and so blessed to be with my family and enjoy every minute of their company and then I would get on online only to find out that best player in the greatest game is a great big scumbag.

First, when the Enquirer broke the affair story it seemed like a joke! Then I thought about it and realized that Tiger and Nike are way to big for the Enquirer to be playing with so there must be quite a bit of truth to this. I decided to wait till more reports came in and then the accident happened. The police, trying to cover it up and protect Tiger when anyone with any reasonable type of mental capacity was able to determine at least what happened for the most part.

You just don't get facial laceration while driving a Cadillac Escalade by running over a hydrant and a tiny tree at the end of you driveway when your going slow. It's quite obvious his wife smashed the back window with a golf club and caused him to go off the road. If you want to believe something else then be my guest but it's openly obvious.

The only thing I can say in Tigers defense is that he didn't hit her or it appears that he is not a wife beater at least. He is however a cheater and therefore a scumbag.

The mainstream media and the golf media won't even touch this or they will try to cover it up but they have no choice. Tiger being a scumbag hurts them in the wallet as it does his sponsors and the game off golf. I guess we just thought Tiger was the man who had it all and when you find out he is a troubled individual it surprises us.

So Tiger may win more majors than Jack and Arnie but they both beat Tiger in the biggest major of all, LIFE!

1 comment:

  1. You have way too much time on your hands to be writing smack about someone who may have screwed up ONCE. Make better use of your time by cutting into a patient rather than Tiger.
