Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Are people really dumb enough to justify Tigers acts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is amazing to me that after all the facts and proof of what Tiger Woods is, has become and has done, that there are people out there who are trying to justify his acts. I just read a Tweet that said "I think his spirit was rebelling" What is that? Come on people! A) He lied to his wife his kids and for that matter the world. B) He cheated on his wife and his kids! not once, not twice, but from day one of his marriage. C) He has yet to apologize! instead he had flunky who handles him write a statement on a website he has nothing to do with asking for privacy. D) The sleazeballs he cheated with are nasty and need disinfected! He had other people helping him cheat indicating it was not a spur of the moment thing but premeditated.
People, don't be idiots and tell me I can't relate to this because I'm not married! I know right from wrong. I know a cry for help when I see one and I know how children look up to their fathers. So don't embarrass yourselves by trying to justify any part of Tigers actions because if you do you are morally corrupt and your character is severely deficient! Don't try to tell me I'm being sanctimonious either. I have made many many mistakes but never lied about them, never tried to hide them, never enlisted people to help me make them and never ever would make them intentionally or to hurt someone I loved (wife and more importantly children). So don't even try ! Tiger hurt Golf!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Golf!!!!!!!!!

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