Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Do you reallt think your vote counts???????

Election day is November 3rd this year and as it draws near, I got to thinking about weather an individuals vote really counts at all. Assuming that a majority of the people out there (maybe optimistic) really put some thought into their vote as I believe is the intent of our Constitution. It appears that our or the people's voice of the vote is an exercise in futility. I for one am tempted to send Washington a bill for the countless hours of TV adds, talk shows and debates not to mention the junk mail that read watch and deliberate over to make my voting selection. The reason being that none not one single thing we are told prior to the elections by candidates ever happens.

I didn't vote for our current president but will use him as an example because his campaign was the most publicized and memorable!

He our government would be more transparent. (it's gotten worse)

He said there would be no more no bid contracts (there are more than ever)

He said government would be more efficeint and smaller (it's bigger and slower than ever)

He said he would bring the troops home from Iraq by the end of 2009 (not even close to happening)
He would end Afghan war (more troop deploying before the holidays)

So what possible good did it it do for us to listen to anything he said and not just him George Bush before him was the quintessential liar?

If we were not in either of these wars we could pay for health care for every man woman and child in this country for 20 years so far and never have to borrow a dime!

My point is this it is by law illegal for a politician who has taken an oath of public office to lie to the public! So the next time a politician any politician lies and you can prove it. Sue them! You don't need a lawyer or even to have money I doubt the courts will give you much time but it will sure make a mess for the politician and hopefully teach them a lesson. We don't have to continue to have our tax dollars just frittered away on random useless and idiotic things. We don't have to take this any longer.

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