Wednesday, October 14, 2009

LPGA is a marketing disaster!!!!!!!

Educated Males and Lesbians, these are the LPGA's biggest fanbase and they market to neither. Failure to market to either is a huge mistake.

Why do the Asian players come to the US. to play on the LPGA tour you ask? Well it's simple and the answer is money. They are better golfers and the purses on the LPGA are significantly better here. These Asian players come to the LPGA, bank a million dollars give or take and head home and bank another 200k over the winter when the US Women are involved in shameless self promotion primarily aimed a little kids and women. When their demographic is educated men and lesbians which one they fail to market to and the other they fail to acknowledge

I understand that having educated golf purists(predominantly male) and lesbians as your primary fans it difficult to market to both but failing to market to either is just idiotic. So it won't be long before the purses shrink and the Asians leave and the better US. golfers will play elsewhere to make the better dollars.

It's really simple to figure out but the LPGA seems to have trouble figuring out anything these days let alone marketing. You can spend millions marketing to kids an may reap some long term benefits but golf is not as addicting as tobacco and to market to people who can't support it is a stupid move.

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