Friday, September 18, 2009

Golf Channel changing name to TW Channel!!!!!!!!!

Is it possible than I'm the only golf fan on the face of the earth who is tired of turning to the Golf Channel and hearing about what Tiger Woods ate for breakfast that day or lunch or dinner for that matter? WE GET IT!! He is the number one golfer in the world and had been for years. Everyone knows it!!!!!!! Why not cut your full length features down to one per day. You fill your days with paid programming about golf gadgets that are just rip offs but believe it or not there are other great golfers out there. Your producers must have the biggest MAN CRUSH ever on Tiger but that's ok just please don't let that interrupt the mission you started out to achieve. We love to watch and here about Tiger too just not all day, every day! Why for instance do we only get 2 hours of the LPGA Samsung but four hours a day of the MEDICUS DRIVER and the GOLF BUDDY! Everyone needs to let the Golf Channel know they need to broaden their coverage of GOLF! Maybel cover the top ten players on the major tours rather than the top player on one tour. I recommend a sister channel that actually covers golf while changing the name of the Golf Channel to the Tiger Woods 24 hour coverage network.

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